In the past, if you were trying to recover from drug addiction, you would be isolated in a form of rehabilitation. But Lantana Recovery Center in Charleston believes the best way to bounce back from substance use disorder is to keep you firmly in the community, with an array of people, steps and connections to ensure the best personal treatment.
“We work with those struggling with any type of substance,” said Bob Hennen, clinical director with Lantana. “And we provide each client with a treatment team and customized care plan that lasts as long as necessary in order to ensure that clients have the best possible outcomes.”
Founded in 2018 as an independent agency by partners Dominic Rosa, Eric Carver and Warren Phillips, Lantana’s model for treatment is based on the approach that the majority of people struggling with substance abuse do not need to be completely removed from the community to receive help and begin recovery.
In the past four years, 57% of the people who have come to Lantana for treatment for alcohol abuse – the number one substance use disorder in the United States. Addiction to opioids, such as fentanyl, prescription medications and heroin account for another 27%, while other misused substances, including cocaine and methamphetamine, make up the remainder.
“Many individuals entering treatment are experiencing a concurring mental health condition such as depression or anxiety,” Hennen said. “Our approach is to not only treat these conditions simultaneously through intensive professional therapy and psychiatry but to involve the person’s family, friends and as many other support elements as necessary to help each individual recover.”
For example, a person in early alcohol recovery will be encouraged by both Hennen and family members to create a safe home environment – one that is free from exposure to substances and to avoid the risk of relapse.
Attendance at 12-Step meetings also is required because each individual will benefit from being connected with an outside mentor who also is in recovery.
Personal growth to develop plans to move toward overall wellness often is the final piece of the treatment. According to Hennen, recovery from any misused substance is ultimately a choice of the abuser.
“All of these elements have been shown to correlate with success rates,” Hennen said. “But early recovery can be a stressful time, as people may struggle to cope with cravings or the stress of being without the use of a substance.”
Based on findings by the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics, 31.9 million Americans age 12 and older currently are using illegal drugs. Although illicit drug use was recognized by the U.S. government in the 1960s as a national problem, the Centers For Disease Control, headquartered in Atlanta, reports that more than 100,000 drug-related deaths still occur each year in the United States.
The Charleston area is only one small part of this problem, but Hennen said he personally hopes for a day when that problem will finally be overcome.
“There are no obstacles too great to overcome to achieve sustained recovery – but there are obstacles along the way that pose a risk for a return to use of substances,” Hennen said. “And through our support services of fellowship, mentorship and personal growth, Lantana aims to create a space where individuals can achieve confidence, self-reliance, resiliency and successful long-term recovery.”
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By L. C. Leach III