
Best Podiatrist and Sports Podiatrist – Dr. Adam Brown, Carolina Foot and Ankle Specialists

Dr. Adam Brown with Carolina Foot and Ankle Specialists, voted Best Podiatrist and Sports Podiatrist in the 2023 Best in Health.

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What Do Patients Value About The Care You Deliver?
I am fortunate to treat lots of runners, walkers, tennis players and overall active people. I make every effort to have them return to the road, treadmill, field or court as soon as possible. I am a lifelong athlete, and I would never want to be less active for very long. I provide care to my patients that I would use on myself or my family.

How Has A Challenge You’ve Overcome Propelled You To Greater Success?
Ten years ago, I started barefoot running to get rid of some nagging injuries – which it did. During the process I was able to appreciate what the human body is capable of. Running barefoot in the Bridge Run for the past decade has provided me with experience and knowledge that I pass along to my patients. I am often able to provide a treatment or training plan that allows them to accomplish feats they no longer thought were possible.

What Vision Do You Have For Your Future Self?
I made a commitment to myself to be as impactful as possible on the youth of our community. I have been blessed to have three amazing boys who I was able to coach while growing up. My experience of playing baseball at the College of Charleston and experience coaching at the highest levels of youth baseball has brought me back to the field. I started the West Ashley Baseball Club this year and began with a 9-year old team. The plan is to start a new team every other year and provide not only a base of high-level skill development but also promote grit and a growth mind-set in my young players.

Learn more about Carolina Foot and Ankle Specialists here.

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