
Best Therapy Practice and Best Therapist – Vantage Speech and Guy Vinette

Vantage Speech and Guy Vinette, Best Therapy Practice and Best Therapist in the 2023 Best in Health.

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What Or Who In Your Life Empowers You To Bring Your Best To Your Work?
My family. My goal is to be the best model for my kids. After working in various settings, I had a personal goal to open my own practice. I want them to look up to me and know that it’s important to go after your goals in life.

Can You Share Patient Feedback Or A Story That Has Brought You Joy?
Many situations have brought me joy. One involves a child who was considered nonverbal with expressive and receptive language difficulties. Over the course of a few years, he is using a speech generating device paired with his verbal speech. He increased from vocalizations and single words to simple sentences. Although his speech remains unintelligible at times, he is now able to build relationships, answer questions and even order his favorite coffee at a café.

What Inspires The Team At Your Practice?
We enjoy the personal relationships we can build with patients and their families. Each one of our staff takes pride in their job and truly enjoys knowing and seeing the differences they’re making each visit.

What Vision Do You Have For The Future Of The Practice?
The vision for Vantage is to expand strategically. We want to decrease the gap for areas and families unable to access dedicated quality of care, and we want to incorporate occupational therapy and become a multidisciplinary practice to assist with all children’s strengths and weaknesses.

What Is The Practice’s Golden Rule For Health Care?
Our golden rule is to go above and beyond for all of our children’s needs and make a difference in their lives.

Find out more about Vantage Speech here.

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