
Hearing Care of Summerville Raises Awareness of Hearing Health in the Community

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Hearing Care of Summerville, raising hearing awareness
The professionals at Hearing Care of Summerville are keen on giving sound advice to local residents on hearing loss prevention and healthy hearing practices. Patient satisfaction is a top priority, and, at their office at 107 W. 5th North St. in Summerville, they offer not only hearing treatment but also all the latest technologies in hearing devices, as well as maintenance services. Raising awareness on hearing wellness to the general public has become a need that they see as their responsibility as leaders in audiology.

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, and Dr. Hollie Bahen said that promoting hearing health during the month helps reiterate to people the importance of visiting their local hearing professional for a screening.

“So many people put off getting their hearing checked,” Dr. Bahen said. “Recognizing Better Hearing and Speech Month helps us to bring it back to their attention.”

Dr. Bahen said that the ability to hear is related to other underlying issues, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, as well as falls and hospitalization. Even social isolation, depression and anxiety have been directly connected to hearing loss.

“Another issue with hearing loss is its effect on children,” she said. “Speech development and language comprehension, and social and emotional development are specifically impacted by an untreated hearing loss.”

Tinnitus, or chronic ringing in the ears, is a hearing issue that many people suffer with for years, according to Matt Orosz, practice development manager and marketing manager at Hearing Care of Summerville. It is commonly associated with eventual hearing loss but also causes psychological and emotional distress.

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“Unfortunately, people live with this problem for years, being told that there is no treatment for it,” he said. “There are treatment and management therapies that offer a method to improve the lives of those suffering tinnitus.”

Which is why Hearing Care of Summerville’s community outreach efforts are so important.

“We go into local senior centers, doctors’ offices and workplaces and offer presentations on hearing health and perform free hearing screens,” Orosz said. “Some people don’t even know that they are starting to lose their hearing until they get screened.”

Free screens are also always offered at their office in Summerville.

Orosz said that there is a stigma that hearing loss is strictly an issue that affects older people.

“It really is an individual thing,” he said. “Hearing loss can happen at any age. Some people don’t seek help because they think that hearing loss is normal as they get older, but that isn’t true. We have patients well into their 90s that have significantly improved their connections and interactions with family and friends because they have treated their hearing loss.”

After age, noise is the second most common cause of hearing loss.

“People who have worked in industrial-type jobs for long periods have a much higher chance to suffer hearing loss,” Orosz said. “It is important to keep this in check and use preventive measures when working in this type of environment.”

The professionals at Hearing Care of Summerville also clean and check hearing aids when they are out serving their community – for example, when they visit senior living, retirement and assisted living communities.

“We help resolve any issues with a device, we change batteries and we teach nurses, medical assistants and care professionals how to maintain hearing aids,” he said.

Orosz said that what makes Hearing Care of Summerville unique is the precedent they set on educating their local community.

“We tout education, prevention and treatment,” he said. “Hearing health is an important aspect of your whole health and wellness – take a hearing screen; know what your hearing is doing. Treating your hearing loss is not only about health. Stay connected to your family and loved ones. Stay active in your own life.”

As Helen Keller said, “Blindness separates people from things; deafness separates people from people.”

Don’t separate yourself from your friends and family due to hearing loss. Contact Hearing Care of Summerville at 843-871-9669 or visit www.hearinglife.com.

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