
Sweetgrass Pharmacy & Compounding: Care and Convenience Combine

Care and Convenience Combine at Sweetgrass Pharmacy & Compounding

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Sweetgrass Pharmacy & Compounding in Mount Pleasant is not your everyday pharmacy. Filling a prescription there or perusing their complete line of specialty vitamins, proteins and over-the-counter medications is an experience – and not just a shopping one.

Dr. Cynthia Reich, owner and pharmacist in charge at Sweetgrass Pharmacy & Compounding, places the needs of her customers and patients as the top priority.

“We know our customers’ names, and we go out of our way to help them with anything they need,” she said. “We aren’t just co-workers here – we are a family, and we treat our customers as such.”

Convenience is also an important aspect of Sweetgrass Pharmacy & Compounding.

“We know people are busy and that convenience is vital for those of us with active lifestyles,” she said. “That is why we offer auto-refill on prescriptions and free delivery.”

Aside from great customer service, what sets Sweetgrass Pharmacy & Compounding apart from other pharmacies in the area is their expertise in science and the art of compounding. They can focus on the needs of each patient by customizing prescriptions through compounding in-house.

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“One size does not fit all. Nutritional needs are best met when medications are customized to fit a patient’s personal needs,” she said.

Dr. Reich and her team will work with doctors to create a prescription that will benefit their patients’ individual medical needs. Sweetgrass Pharmacy & Compounding covers hormone replacement therapy, pain management, skin care, sports medicine, pediatrics, dentistry and even veterinary specialties through compounding.

“Patients with specific allergies, for example, require medication to be compounded to personalize what will be best for them,” she said. “It’s all about the patient and what will benefit them the most. We will work hard to get it just right.”

When it comes to veterinary care, Sweetgrass Pharmacy & Compounding works with a variety of animals, including dogs, cats, ferrets, horses, rabbits, guinea pigs, lizards, turtles and parrots. Coming up with a unique prescription solution for a pet can be challenging, which is why Sweetgrass Pharmacy & Compounding utilizes compounding to create a medication that will work for the owner and the pet.

“Whether the animal needs a concentrated solution, a cream or a chewable, we take into consideration how the drug will be administered in order to alleviate stress for both the animal and the owner,” she said.

Common compounded medications for animals include drugs to treat allergies, behavioral disorders, cardiovascular disease, constipation, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, infections, inflammation, nutritional deficiencies and seizures.

They can also administer a wide array of vaccines to their patients, including travel vaccines.

“We accept all insurances and work with your carrier and physician to find the best clinical and financial options for you,” Dr. Reich said.

Sweetgrass Pharmacy & Compounding combines a love for science with a love for people.

“Pharmacy was an easy career choice for me,” said Dr. Reich. “Knowing that I am helping people feel better is what makes my job so rewarding.”

For more information on Sweetgrass Pharmacy & Compounding, call 843-654-4013 or visit www.sweetgrasspharmacyandcompounding.com.

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