
Become a Tech Savvy Senior

Seniors learning technology

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Technology can improve our lives in so many ways, but changing and adapting to new innovations isn’t something that comes second nature to everyone. Sometimes learning a new or updated technology can be daunting, particularly for the elderly population.

That’s where Smart Senior Technology Services can help. Greg Gormley, who, along with his wife, Stasi, owns the Mount Pleasant-based business, offers personalized training sessions and services to seniors, instructing them on how to operate electronic devices and products people use daily, including smartphones, computers and TVs.

Greg and Stasi are locals with more than 20 years of work experience specializing in the senior community. They launched Smart Senior Technology Services two years ago during the COVID-19 pandemic because they saw a demand for teaching these skills to seniors, who, like everyone else, were isolating and needed technology to communicate with family and friends. Never had it been more important for seniors to learn how to safely and confidently navigate online spaces such as social media that could connect them with those vital support networks.

“I always try to tell these seniors, ‘Don’t be afraid; have confidence,’” said Greg. “I want to try and take that fear away from the device.”

That’s why the branding statement on their business card reads “empower-connect-liberate.” His goal is to deliver seniors a service that will empower them, connect them with their family and friends and liberate them to enjoy the benefits of devices that have the potential to make our lives easier.

“Technology is great, but it can also be overwhelming,” noted Greg. “Giving my customers the ability to be empowered and liberated by educating them is very gratifying.”

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For more information, visit smartseniortechnologyservices.com.

By Colin McCandless

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