
Bishop Gadsden’s Podcast

A man listening to a podcast.

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The idea to “live an extraordinary life” is at the core of what it means to be a part the Bishop Gadsden Episcopal Retirement Community. But it’s not all the “bells and whistles” that make Bishop Gadsden extraordinary – the real sparkle is the people who live there. A new podcast will tell the community’s story.

A few years ago, Stephanie Ochipinti, the charitable giving and communications coordinator, was traveling with a friend and they were listening to a podcast.

“At the time, I was wondering if there were any podcasts about retirement living,” she explained. “Giving people a view into a retirement community and its people would show what a special place it is.”

Not only could the podcast address retirement, but it also would highlight the people who make up a community.

Ochipinti’s idea took shape from there, as she and Kimberly Borts, the director of charitable giving and communication, as well as Maggie Brown, communications assistant, discussed the concept of Bishop Gadsden offering a podcast.

“We realized that the most compelling podcast would share the unique story of the Bishop Gadsden community. It would document the individual stories of its people,” she said, pointing out that this would mean hearing directly from community members, not only residents but also team members, trustees and families.

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Since its inception in downtown Charleston in the 1850s, Bishop Gadsden leaders have regularly collaborated with industry peers to develop best practices and stay on the forefront of innovation. The retirement community moved to its James Island location in the 1980s, thanks to a generous gift of land from the St. James Episcopal Church.

Bill Trawick, who became Bishop Gadsden’s president and CEO in 1986, led the development of the new campus. His strong leadership and clear vision are often referenced as the reasons for its continued growth and vibrancy.

Trawick attributes the success of Bishop Gadsden to the individuals within the community who come together to celebrate life and support one another. He believes the residents and team members, board and family members are the treasure. In fact, Bishop Gadsden was named the 2018 Organization Philanthropist of the Year in the Charleston area.

The sparkle of the people is exactly what the Bishop Gadsden communications team hopes to capture with the podcast. They want to document the unique story of the community and therefore feel it’s fitting for Trawick, now retired, to host the podcast episodes. His personable demeanor and good rapport will be a backdrop against which individuals can share their rich depth of experience and perspective. The theme of the podcast, launched in November, is “Extraordinary at Every Age.” Plans call for one episode to be created each month. A link to the show will be available on the Bishop Gadsden website at www.bishopgadsden.org.

To learn more about Bishop Gadsden, visit www.bishopgadsden.org or call 843-762-3300.

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