The golden years are usually spent planning trips, clocking more time on the golf course and perhaps finally organizing that book club. More often than not, later years are also sprinkled with more visits to health care professionals. But if you want to truly enjoy life post-retirement, keeping your health in check is key.
Seniors often need a little help navigating the complexities of the medical industry, which, with appointments, scheduled procedures and medications, can be overwhelming. Coastal Patient Advocates provides clients with the guidance they need to best address and solve their health issues.
“Anytime I can help someone, I feel gratified that I’ve made a difference in a person’s life,” said Sharon Harper, owner and founder of Coastal Patient Advocates. “Taking clients to their doctor appointments, helping them fill out paperwork and being their eyes, ears and voice when they are in with the doctor has proven very successful for those who seek out our services.”
Harper, an Isle of Palms native whose family is peppered with doctors, was drawn to the industry from a young age. Fueled by the desire to give back to others, she started out in pre-law but then found that nursing was where her passion and skill set was best served.
Each potential Coastal Patient Advocate participant receives a free 30-minute consultation with Harper on the phone so she can fully grasp their medical situation and pinpoint their needs. “If more help is needed, then we discuss how we move forward. Everyone is different. Medicine is not cookie-cutter patient care, as no two patients are alike,” said Harper. “Someone asked me when I started out who was my target audience. Everyone is my target audience, because I help with any age client. I tend to lean toward the older generation because of my passion for helping them maintain their independence and dignity. There are also times when parents need help, for example, comprehending everything going on with their premature baby or child’s health. This is another area I can assist with in my practice.”
From providing transportation to appointments to offering a hand to squeeze when blood is being drawn or shots administered, Coastal Patient Advocates offers essential support and expertise to anyone who may find themselves in need of assistance.
“If I had to pinpoint a target audience, I would definitely say they are the baby- boom generation,” said Harper. “Baby boomers are now facing a reverse-role scenario with their parents and are not sure what to do or who to turn to for help. This is a perfect case for me, as I can meet with them, discuss the situation, look at the pros and cons and assist them in making the best decision for all parties.”
Fully seeing there is a need for folks to have access to personalized attention and guidance, Harper relishes in the positive feedback she receives from those she helps and other medical industry professionals who respect her latest initiative.
“I have already been approached by multiple nurses wanting to know how they could help my company,” said Harper. “With that said, I plan to expand my company when I reach a higher census and the clients become more widespread as I offer services within the tri-county area.”