
Independent Assisted Living

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Once the decision has been made to move into an assisted living facility, potential residents immediately consider how they will maintain their independence and keep control of their own decisions.

Will they be able to eat what they want? Will they be stuck in the building all day? Will they be treated like patients or residents? Will their health decisions remain their own?

These are legitimate concerns for any senior citizen contemplating the decision to live in an assisted living facility. Administrators who take potential residents and their families on tours of their facilities address these concerns every day.

Matthew Baker, executive director of Ashley Landing Assisted Living in North Charleston, said one of their main priorities is to facilitate and encourage independence among their assisted living residents.

“We offer physical therapy so that our residents can maintain their strength, and we give them opportunities to eat out and go to places like Target where they can use their own money as well,” he said. “We are open to allowing them as much independence as they are comfortable with, while still keeping the safety of the resident of utmost importance.”

Ashley Landing provides transportation to various events around the city.

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“There are plenty of opportunities for the residents to get out and about each day,” Baker said.

During a tour, Baker said he wants potential residents to know that Ashley Landing will be their home.

“We know how hard it is for them to make the transition from everything they know to coming here, but we want them to know that this space is their space,” he explained.

Baker also emphasized the importance of making residents feel like they are the focus of the tour.

“Families are a vital part of the decision-making process, but potential residents should feel like it’s all about them,” he commented.

Ashley Landing wants its residents to make as many choices and decisions as they can – from dining to health care.

“We want to enhance their lives. We do not want to take anything away from them. Empowerment is important, and we stress that from day one. We are a community that cares deeply for one another, and we want our residents to be happy,” Baker concluded.

Steve Patterson, whose mother is a resident at Ashley Landing, said, “Mom has been a resident of this community for a while now. I just want to say that Ashley Landing is great. There is always something going on for the residents to do. What I have noticed most is that it feels like a big family.”

For more information on Ashley Landing Assisted Living, visit www.ashleylanding.com or call 843-760-0831. Ashley Landing is located at 4550 Great Oak Drive in North Charleston.

By Theresa Stratford

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