
Mount Pleasant Gardens: We All Want to Belong

A happy resident and staff member smiling at Mount Pleasant Gardens in Mt Pleasant, SC.

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Mount Pleasant Gardens is a stand-alone memory care facility that strives to meet the unique needs of its residents. Through its commitment to both the residents and their families, Mount Pleasant Gardens focuses on enriching residents’ lives with opportunities to form friendships, practice their faith and participate in an endless array of activities and entertainment, including going out to lunch and shopping.

“The one thing that holds universally true is that we all want to belong. We want to be a part of something,” said Executive Director Denise Kish, explaining that residents come to Mount Pleasant Gardens because they can no longer live alone. “The transition is not always easy. But residents soon come to value the many benefits of living as part of our community.”

“I didn’t want to come,” asserted a resident named Valerie, who recently moved into the community. “I didn’t want to leave my house but decided to make the best of it. Once I started meeting the wonderful ladies, I made lots of friends,” she said.

In a short time, Valerie has connected with many like-minded residents. She holds weekly meetings in her room to watch her favorite minister on TV, and she enjoys discussing the sermon with her friends. Attendance is so high that the group plans to move its meetings to a larger space in the community.

Another resident, Jane, was also resistant to moving to Mount Pleasant Gardens.

“My children thought it was time,” she explained. “It was a blessing, even if it was a transition,” she explained.

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Jane enjoys Bible study, singing, musical performances, exercising, trivia games and sharing stories.

“I did it for my family; they were worried about me,” she added. “I agreed, reluctantly, and started making friends. Now I love it.”

Peggy is another longtime member of the Mount Pleasant Gardens community. She takes care of breakfast for the community every morning.

“I get up at 5:30 a.m. to get ready to make coffee,” she said proudly. “I enjoy doing my work.”

Peggy brews and pours coffee and juice for fellow residents. She is also on the clean-up crew, helping the aides clear the dishes at the end of the meal. Like the others, Peggy enjoys Bible study. She also looks forward to bingo and doing puzzles.

Many of the residents at Mount Pleasant Gardens find purpose in helping others. Whether assisting less independent residents, sweeping up after a meal or planning gatherings, the residents support each other. The women feel they have someone to count on. They liken the community to a sorority and feel gratitude for the friendships they’ve developed, even if they weren’t initially keen on the idea.

“In assisted living, they are renewed. Their cognitive, physical, spiritual and social needs are met, allowing the brain to stay engaged,” explained Kish. “Here, they live without worry while our team focuses on bringing them joy. We become enthusiastic students of our residents. That’s our job.”

To learn more about Mount Pleasant Gardens, call 843-216-1001 or visit gardensmemorycare.com.

By Isabel Alvarez Arata

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