
Senior Care Authority of Low Country SC and Coastal Region GA

Senior Care Authority of Low Country SC and Coastal Region GA

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Ray Manniello at Senior Care Authority
Ray Manniello of Senior Care Authority

We are an elder care consulting and full service placement company. We guide area seniors through the entire process of finding the most suitable assisted and independent living communities as well as memory care, personal care homes and skilled nursing facilities. We assist in the planning process process and arrange tours of the most closely matched communities that will serve their needs and wants. By accompanying seniors on their tours we make sure they get the most important questions answered. We will also help with the needed paperwork and provide various transition resources. Follow up is also part of our service to make sure the senior is happy with their choice. Typically our fees for placement service are paid for by the community the senior eventually chooses to move into.

We can also help seniors stay in their homes. We have an occupational therapist on staff that can provide a home safety evaluation as well as planning for home modifications needed to accommodate physical disabilities. These types of services are usually paid for by Medicare.

Lastly, We offer a senior driving program entitled “Beyond Driving With Dignity” The goal of this program is to form an objective opinion of whether or not an older driver may be at risk for a future traffic accident. This non-intimidating program is done at the senior’s home, with their own car, and we use a driving route that they are familiar with. We do not take anyway anybody’s keys if it is determined that the senior should retire from driving. We will provide a comprehensive report of our findings for their physician, as well as help them find alternative modes of transportation if need be.

About Ray Manniello at Senior Care Authority

The business owner, Ray Manniello, is a retired dentist that has spent 30 years caring for adult patients. I witnessed many adult patients become senior citizens and then realized how difficult their lives had become. Many patients came to me daily and said “Don’t ever grow old Ray” After hearing that numerous times, I decided I would spend the remainder of my working life trying to make the lives of senior citizens easier.

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