Hands of Hope: A Quality of Life Focus

Hands of Hope Pediatric Comfort and Palliative Care focuses on improving the quality of life for children as they face difficult days ahead

Sheri Stewart, the director for Hands of Hope Pediatric Comfort and Palliative Care, headquartered in Spartanburg, said that many people question her when she tells them what she does for a living. “People tell me all the time that I must be very strong to work in pediatric hospice,” Stewart said. “I tell them that […]

Why Choose Hospice

Why Choose Hospice Care title

Hospice focuses on improving the quality of life, providing comfort care and allowing the patient time to be with family members while being cared for in a respectful and dignified manner. Approximately two thirds of patients who could benefit from hospice services never choose to receive hospice care. Too few people understand what hospice is […]

Simply Seniors, Inc Founder on a Mission to Bridge the Gap

Simply Seniors, Inc Founder on a Mission to Bridge the Gap

After being raised by her grandparents and suffering the heartache of having two grandmothers with dementia, Cindy Williams, an accountant, decided it was time for a change. “I came to a place in my life where I realized that no one cares how much plastic costs,” she said. “I wanted to make a difference.” Williams […]

Palmetto Family Homecare Assists Caregivers

An elderly woman recives and a caring homecare professional

It’s a daunting decision. As a caregiver, it’s not easy to come to the realization that you need outside help with your loved ones as they battle a chronic condition. There’s guilt, there’s fear, there’s worry and, on top of all of that, there’s tension that you won’t choose the right caregiver – someone that […]

Quality In-Home Care at Bishop Gadsden

A happy elderly woman enjoys in home care

Bishop Gadsden Episcopal Retirement Community’s established BG Connections is the ideal provider for those in the Charleston area looking for in-home health care. The program, developed to offer another option to those who have difficulty caring for themselves, is both convenient and customizable. Bishop Gadsden Episcopal Retirement Community’s established BG Connections is the ideal provider […]

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