Women In Health: Dr. Jeris Cox

Women in Health

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How would you describe your journey to becoming the doctor you are today?

Photo of Dr. Jeris CoxI joined the Army in medical school because I wanted to serve my country. This was one of my best decisions, and it is 100% why I am the physician I am today. In the military health system, we are not required to see “X” number of patients to hit quotas. We get to truly embrace medicine and have real time with patients to understand, learn and treat. That time and experience gave me more knowledge and understanding. It’s why I now push to create a similar system so patients feel they come first.

Describe a moment you felt like giving up. Why didn’t you?

Over the past year of building this practice, many times I felt overwhelmed; despite research, nothing can truly prepare you for the obstacles. At every low point, I meet another patient frustrated by care they received elsewhere. They remind me why I need to fight to create the one-on-one care, time, honesty and transparency that patients deserve – at a reasonable cost. They do not let me give up, and I thank them for that.

What or who inspires you?

My patients inspire me. I see some of the bravest men and women struggling in their journey to become parents. I see their resilience, their patience and their continued optimism. This inspires me to continue learning, researching and providing the best care I can to them because I know they will be the best parents.

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Describe the person and provider you strive to be.

I strive to be someone that others respect because I am honest and do the right thing. Transparency and understanding are very important, even in the hardest of conversations. I treat my patients as my family, and they know I will provide them quality care, spend extra time, get to know patients and do this at the lowest cost possible.

Mount Pleasant

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