How would you describe your journey to becoming the doctor you are today?
I believe every experience I’ve had has led me to be a chiropractor for my practice, Cypress Chiropractic. Chiropractic has personally allowed me to be more connected physically, spiritually and energetically. As a chiropractor, I want to be a guide to help others become more connected, too. Being a business owner, I have the freedom to evolve as I see fit for my practice members and myself.
What routines and habits help you prepare for or recover from a day’s challenges?
No matter what day I have ahead, I always drink 16 ounces of water, walk my dog, then follow up with some coffee and cream. After I get to the office, I will light a candle or some incense with a set intention, turn on some music and prepare the space to open. Before anyone arrives, I like to do yoga and meditation to get my energy balanced, recharged and cleared for the rest of the day.
Describe a moment you felt like giving up. Why didn’t you?
I have never felt like giving up because I know that being a chiropractor is rooted in my soul. Yes, I have been faced with some ups, downs and challenges, but that comes with the territory of being a health leader and business owner. I like to see challenges as opportunities to learn and evolve.
What or who inspires you?
I am inspired by watching people thrive and not merely just survive. Those that get chiropractic care just to be “fixed” or be out of pain are in a phase of survival and that is OK – everyone is at different stages of healing. My main inspiration comes from those that continue their chiropractic care, continuing to clear their nervous system of interference. They are able to shift into a phase of thriving and live in a full expression of life.