How would you describe your journey to becoming a health leader today?
My journey to becoming a yoga teacher and now co-owner of Lowcountry Power Yoga, LLC, started as any journey starts – with one step and one class. From there, I experienced the transformative power of moving with my breath. As a teacher, I continue to learn from my students the possibilities for improved physical, mental and spiritual health with consistent practice.
Describe a moment when you felt like giving up. Why didn’t you?
I felt like giving up in the wake of COVID. Not being able to be in person with students created barriers for teaching and connecting to the community. Then a mentor raised the point that people needed yoga then more than ever. Zoom became the new studio. Now we can reach people online anywhere in the world.
Who or what inspires you?
I gain my inspiration from my students. Our Spry classes are designed for older students. I learn from the students, and I am gratified by their successes. They frequently tell me how the strength and skills they have acquired in classes have helped them breathe though MRIs or helped them stand up safely after a fall.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Step into possibility. Every twist and turn in life’s journey creates new pathways. Getting stuck in the familiar and comfortable is a limiting belief. Take time to check in on yourself and see if it is time for a refresh. Who knows what is possible?
Johns Island