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Women In Health: Jenny Cheek, LMT, Courtney Stearn, DPT, PRC, Cindy Malone, Reflexologist and Gina Aicardi, DPT

Women in Health

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What or who inspires you? (Jenny)

I am continuously inspired by those whose quality of life has suffered and are in search of someone who cares, listens and validates their experiences. As a massage therapist, my cup is filled leaving people feeling better than when they arrived. I don’t take for granted that my hands and intentions help heal others.

Group photo of Cheek, Stearn, Malone, Aicardi

Describe a time you felt like giving up. Why didn’t you? (Cindy)

At the beginning of my journey with reflexology, I was overwhelmed by how much I had to learn – and how every system in our bodies relates to our feet. Being in my late 50s was a mental challenge as I hadn’t been expected to memorize or learn in over 35 years – but I stuck with it. People like Courtney Stearn, owner of Joint Effort, believed in me and gave me the opportunity to join an awesome group of strong women

Describe the person and provider you are striving to be. (Gina)

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I strive to be a provider who consistently exceeds my patients’ expectations by providing them with one-on-one individualized care, ensuring I get to the source of their pain/problem and building a trusting relationship so I can be a reliable, consistent resource for them. As physical therapists, we spend a lot of time with our patients, and I want them to look forward to that time and help them under stand the importance of taking their physical health into their own hands.

Describe the person and provider you are striving to be. (Courtney)

I continuously work to stay curious, listen and learn. To me, my clients are like little puzzles, and sometimes I have to think outside the box to figure out how to get their body to respond to treatment. This requires collaborating with other providers, taking courses and not being afraid to try something new or different.


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