Women in Health: Lisa Westerman, RN

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As a registered nurse for more than 30 years, Lisa Westerman has worked in wide-ranging settings, including sales and marketing. It didn’t take her long to realize that Alice’s Clubhouse was her true “happy place.”

The Clubhouse, located in Mount Pleasant, provides private care for those affected by memory loss. Westerman fell in love with the people and the programs during her time there as a staff nurse.

“I saw the difference in the participant’s and the caregiver’s lives,” Westerman said. “Members of the Clubhouse family have such a keen sense of purpose during a time when they must give up so many things that matter to them. At the same time, we offer their family members much needed respite.”

Westerman’s passion for assisting those suffering from memory loss and their caregivers came about after her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. “That experience led to a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics that memory loss has on individuals and their families,” she explained.

Now Westerman leads the Clubhouse team as its executive director. “I never imagined that I would be in an executive director’s role,” said Westerman, who in addition to her nursing background has experience in pharmaceuticals and marketing. “Now I realize that each path in my career led me to the role.”

Her work can be draining, though. “You’re constantly juggling different hats,” she explained. “And after sitting with family members who are struggling, you just need some silence.”

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To refuel, Westerman does things that bring her joy, most notably time with family and meditation. “I’m a big believer in meditation as a path back from chaos,” Westerman said. “It’s important to know when it is time to step away from jobs that can be all-consuming.”

Ultimately, Westerman has two hopes: “I hope that people I interact with can feel and sense my compassion and that I make a difference with talents that God gave me.”

Lisa Westerman, RN
Alice’s Clubhouse
1156 Bowman Road, Ste. 105, Mount Pleasant

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