Keep your Immune System Happy

Graphic of Vitamin D

The immune system is a truly miraculous system, made up of special organs, cells and chemicals that fight infections and keep us functioning. While there is much focus on wearing masks, social distancing and staying indoors these days, little is said about maintaining a healthy immune system. “We need to make sure our bodies are … Read more

It’s Allergy Season

A woman lies in a field of flowers and grass dreaming of an allergy-free Spring

Ahh, spring. So beautiful as the weather warms and the world awakes from a winter slumber. Animals frolic among the budding flowers and the trees’ bare branches transition to green leaves. It paints a dreamy picture, but, if you suffer from seasonal allergies, spring can feel like a nightmare – bloodshot eyes and labored breathing … Read more

Finding Hidden Allergies

A woman with skin allergy scratching her neck

Today, it is possible to control allergic reactions or gradually eradicate them over time. If you are one of the 50 million Americans struggling with yearly allergies, you already know about the usual culprits. Here are some lesser-known offenders worth considering, as well as some surprising new information about penicillin. Let’s start with pollen food […]

Charleston Allergy & Asthma: Don’t Let Allergies or Asthma Stop You!

Don't Let Allergies or Asthma Stop You!

Gazing out your window, you see the beauty of the spring – the flowers are in bloom, the trees are full and you can almost hear the light buzzing of bees pollinating your flourishing plants. Spring represents new beginnings and the return of weather that beckons you outside. But for some people, remaining active out […]

Surviving Allergy Season

A young boy sneezes. Its allergy season again.

It’s that time again. Warmer weather, longer days and blossoming flowers abound, bringing people out from their winter hibernation and into the glory days of spring and summer. Unfortunately, it also brings some unwelcomed problems for many people – allergies. It’s estimated that more than 50 million people in the United States alone suffer from […]

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