Alzheimer’s and Heart Disease – The Head and the Heart

Illustration for Alzheimer’s and Heart Disease article. A brain plus a heart leads to an idea (a light bulb turns on).

In the literary sense, the head and the heart are often figuratively disconnected. But in the biological sense, there is increasing evidence of a significant link between Alzheimer’s and heart disease. “While patients with heart failure often present cognitive impairment, there’s more to it,” explained Federica del Monte, MD, PhD, with the Department of Medicine … Read more

Heart Disease Isn’t Just for Old People

A graphic showing heart disease - a heart surrounded by pizza, burgers, onion rings and other heart-clogging foods

Information concerning virtually any subject is readily available to anyone with access to the internet – which is just about everybody, especially those who have grown up using their smartphones to make calls, text, tweet, send emails and do research for everything from writing term papers to studying for trivia night at the local bar. … Read more

Changing Your Life: Regenerative Cellular Therapy

Changing Your Life: Regenerative Cellular Therapy

None of this is necessary, of course, if you choose regenerative cellular therapy at the first sign that something is wrong. Once your joints start to degenerate, they will continue down that painful path until you can’t rotate your shoulder, turn your hips or support your weight with your knees and ankles. Your options, if […]

What Everyone Needs to Know About Strokes

A man with a headache for the article What everyone needs to know about strokes.

Nobody likes to think about having a potentially life-threatening medical event like a stroke, but being able to identify the symptoms of a stroke and react accordingly could be the difference between life and death and certainly can make a difference in a person’s quality of life afterward. A stroke is a medical emergency defined […]

Heart Health: Start Now, Not Later

Heart Health. Start Now. Not Later As we learned in school, an object at rest tends to stay at rest. We can fight back against the two-headed monster of heart failure and obesity with a simple 1-2-3 plan for a healthy heart: Know your blood pressure. Your heart’s an amazing muscle, but it can only […]

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