ChiropracticUSA Says to Build Your Immune System

Immunity illustration.

At ChiropracticUSA, Dr. Matthew Murrin is a staunch proponent of wellness, not just in terms of treating conditions but as lifestyle choices that build and protect good health, even in the time of the coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Murrin, who has earned degrees in chiropractic, kinesiology, physical rehabilitation and personal fitness training, offers HealthLinks readers eight … Read more

Chiropractic USA Eases Pain

A chiropractor examines a patient

If you take pain medicine to mask the problem and keep doing what you are doing, the injury will get worse. There’s an epidemic going on. We read about it in magazines and see segments about it on the news. It’s the opioid prescription pain medication epidemic and data shows that the problem is particularly […]

Painful to Pain-free: Functional Medicine

Painful to Pain-free: Functional Medicine

The discomfort in your back that keeps you awake at night might very well be directly related to the limp-inducing pain in your knee. According to Dr. Heather Lambert, the key to making those aches and pains go away permanently is changing the way you walk, stand and sit and playing an active role in […]

The Importance of Ergonomics

Image of an ergonomic chair for the The Importance of Ergonomics article

Are you sitting down for this? Well, if you are, there’s no time like the present to give your seated situation a once-over. After all, poor ergonomics can lead to a host of injuries and recurring pains. To be ergonomically correct generally means that people and things are interacting in a way that is both […]

Treating Scoliosis

A chiropractor measures a man's spine for curvature

Scoliosis, in medical terms, is a lateral deviation of the spine and affects one third of the population to some degree. That seems troublesome. However, only about 1 percent of those detected with the condition require active treatment. In most cases, therapy or wearing a brace to correct the problem prevents it from worsening. Only […]

Straight Talk: Getting “Back” to Yourself

Backaches seem to be as common as the cold. They can be disabling, causing you to miss work and to be absent from your own life. Sometimes the cause is obvious, such as an injury. Other times, the cause is mysterious and the cure is elusive. Anyone, even children – think about those heavy book […]

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