Managing Life with Type 1 Diabetes

Managing Life with Type 1 Diabetes

Being diagnosed with diabetes can be terrifying at any age. While the media’s efforts have improved in recent years, there is still a long way to go toward changing the public’s perception of diabetes. Great strides have been made in diabetes care and people with Type 1 and Type 2 can live long, healthy lives. […]

Helping People Feel Right

Helping People Feel Right title

Dr. Orlin Sergev loves the science of figuring out how to help his patients feel better. Their most common complaint before ending up at Equilibrium Endocrinology & Diabetes Center is that they don’t “feel right.” To address that concern, Dr. Sergev studies the whole person. He uses diagnostic metrics, of course, to provide concrete numbers, […]

The Dangers of Hidden Sugars

The dangers of hidden sugars.

We’re programmed to love sweet stuff. For our ancestors, it meant survival. “We loved sweets because food was scarce,” said Debbie Petitpain, Sodexo wellness dietitian at the Medical University of South Carolina. “When we came across something that had a ton of calories, we wanted to load up on it because we didn’t know when […]

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