The Esophagus and Esophagus Disorders

The esophagus is a tube of smooth muscle that transports food from the throat to the stomach. The esophagus starts immediately after the epiglottis, a tissue flap that prevents food from entering the lungs, and ends at the gastroesophageal junction, where the esophagus meets the stomach. The lower esophageal sphincter prevents acidic stomach contents from […]

Tips on Running the Cooper River Bridge Run

If you are signed up for the Cooper Bridge Run, consider these tips from Benita Shaw. The race is right around the corner and it is time to prepare. GENERAL TIPS: The true beginner should consider walk/running. If you haven’t trained well by March, consider just having fun and not worrying about a time. Corrals […]

Veteran Transportation Services in High Demand

An ambulance at MUSC, Charleston, South Carolina

Given that a fourth of Charleston’s senior citizens are veterans, it’s hard to wrap your head around the logistics behind providing them with transportation to medical appointments. When you factor in that the service area reaches far beyond Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester counties and into rural areas, the importance of having a well-oiled system becomes […]

Charleston Birth Place: The Alternative to a Hospital Delivery

Prenatal care and childbirth plans could be one of the biggest decisions a newly pregnant mother will make. The Charleston area has a myriad of OB-GYN choices and many hospitals with outstanding birth units. But what if a woman wants something different than what is considered to be the normal labor experience? More and more […]

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