Lutheran Hospice’s Staff are “Angels on Earth”

A Lutheran Hospice patient smiling with one of the staff members.

Many people die from a prolonged illness that eventually becomes incurable. In such cases, hospice care often emerges as the most suitable option for providing comfort and managing symptoms. Patients and their families require and deserve compassionate, competent care, as well as a reduction in stress and anxiety. For the past 26 years, Lutheran Hospice … Read more

The Benefits of Hospice Care

A hospice patient holding hands with their care provider.

Hospice care for a loved one is not something many people want to consider or even think about. Even the word itself can make you feel suddenly helpless to prevent someone you care for from dying. But if hospice ever becomes a choice you find yourself facing for people close to you here in South … Read more

Wills and Trusts: Navigating Tough Conversations About Aging

Health Care Power of Attorney, Living Will

Planning for the future is never easy. Wills, trusts, powers of attorney, long-term care and funerals are complicated topics that require us to make concrete decisions, explore complex legal topics and family dynamics and ultimately contemplate our own mortality. While it’s tempting to put these big decisions on the back burner, avoiding these topics will … Read more

Agape Hospice: Going Above and Beyond

Agape Hospice Going Above and Beyond

All too often, I hear families say they wished they had hospice care sooner. For someone diagnosed with a terminal illness or the relatives and caregivers of that patient, finding the right hospice program is something that can make those final months more bearable for everyone involved,” said Rabi Brunson, Agapé Hospice’s regional marketing director. […]

Agape Perfects Palliative Care

Agape Perfects Palliative Care

Agape Hospice and its sister company, LTC Health Solutions, provide comprehensive end of life care to individuals and their families in a compassionate, faith-based and dignified environment. Agape’s program not only gives patients with serious illnesses a means of managing their pain but also teaches them how to cope with their illness. It treats the […]

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