
Carolina Foot Specialists: By the Foot

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For many Lowcountry athletes, the Cooper River Bridge Run is the highlight of the year. But for some, walking or running the bridge can be a pain in the … foot. There’s no reason foot pain should get in their way, according to Dr. Andrew Saffer and Dr. Adam Brown of Carolina Foot Specialists. They specialize in sports podiatry because, as runners, both doctors know an athlete’s passion for staying on his or her feet.

Dr. Saffer said there are several things runners and walkers can do to prepare for conquering the bridge and preventing heel pain, the most common problems he sees in runners.

“Number one, they need the right shoe gear,” he said.

For some, that might include an orthotic. At Carolina Foot & Ankle Specialists (formerly Carolina Foot Specialists), custom foot orthotics are designed from a three-dimensional image of the foot along with the doctor’s prescription. It’s also important to know your body, according to Dr. Saffer.

“If you feel foot pain that is not normal, you should come in immediately to get that evaluated,” he said. “Don’t run through the pain.”

Dr. Brown suggested that having faith in your body is important, as well. He took up barefoot running to show his patients how “the body can heal, adapt and strengthen if it is trained properly.”

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Most importantly, both doctors encourage athletes to educate themselves. By visiting www.carolinafootspecialists. net, athletes at all levels can access a variety of resources.

To learn more, visit cfaspecialists.net or call 843-654-8250.

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