The New Brighton Park Emergency

Brighton Park Emergency on N. Main Street in Summerville, SC

Brighton Park Emergency Provides Just-in-Time Access Summerville Medical Center and Trident Health officially opened their newest location Aug. 24. Brighton Park Emergency, a free-standing emergency room at 1626 N. Main St. in Summerville, will expand access to quality health services to residents in Cane Bay, Nexton, Del Webb, Carnes Crossroads and other areas of Berkeley … Read more

Slow the Spread S.C.

Slow the spread - a woman wearing a face mask to slow the spread of COVID-19.

This isn’t news: Wash your hands. Social distance. Wear a mask. We’re all weary of hearing about all of this. But the longer it takes for everyone to follow the guidelines, the longer it’s going to take to get back to “normal” – to our jobs, our schools, our friends and to a sounder mental … Read more

How Doctor’s Offices Have Adapted to COVID-19

Primary care doctors wearing PPE during pandemic

In times of great challenge, there are opportunities for leaders to emerge and, with those leaders, new systems and ways of solving problems. COVID-19 has highlighted many of the flaws in our systems, one of those being a lack of an effective supply chain to distribute enough personal protective equipment to doctors and health care … Read more

Plugging into Health Care

Telemedicine – the use of remote monitoring, video conferencing and other technologies to provide health care services and consultation to patients and their caregivers – has grown exponentially in recent years. In addition to offering invaluable assistance to sick individuals who have few or no appropriate health care providers nearby, it enables multidisciplinary care for … Read more

Primary Care During COVID-19

Primary care doctors now wearing face masks during pandemic

Covid-19 has disrupted many aspects of our everyday lives, and how we access our primary care is no exception. The challenge facing providers has been how to balance protecting the health of the public while still offering quality care. Anthony Poole, PA-C, chief clinical and quality officer of Fetter Health Care Network – formerly Franklin … Read more

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