Lyme Disease Symptoms

Enlarged photo of a tick for the Lyme Diease article.

It was a Saturday morning, and B.J. Evans planned to facilitate a yard sale her church group was holding to raise money for a youth mission trip to Guatemala. But when she got out of bed, extreme pain kept her from putting weight on her foot. Walking was extremely difficult, and she was experiencing a … Read more

Common Remedies for Common Ailments

An illustration of a sick boy with a pillow and blanket and a thermometer in his mouth

For many parents, a sick child is a stressful experience that overwhelms them with worry. Fortunately, we live in an age where preventive and curative information for a sick child is readily available. It can be overwhelming trying to dig through the vast amounts of home remedies and advice littered in the comments sections of … Read more

Flu Season is Upon Us

A man with the flu resting in bed

There’s a chill in the air and a chill in your bones. As you get cozy on the couch under a blanket, bring the tissues. You’re going to need them. It’s that time of year again – cold and flu season. Are you determined not to catch those pesky viruses this year? The ones your … Read more

How Daylight Savings Affects Us

Illustration of a happy clock for a daylight savings article

Since 1918, the United States has periodically established, rescinded, re-established and extended daylight saving time. Currently, we set our clocks ahead an hour at 2 a.m. on the second Sunday in March and set them back an hour at the same time on the first Sunday in November, which falls on the 3rd of the … Read more

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