Important Preventive Measures to Take

A doctor taking writes notes

As we age, preventive health care becomes an increasingly important part of our overall wellness plan. From needing vaccinations before entering college to adults undergoing cancer-detecting mammograms or colonoscopies, the list is ever-expanding. So how do we keep track of it all and know when is the right time for each preventive procedure? HealthLinks compiled … Read more

Questions with Concussions

Stethoscope on a football helmet - questions about concussions

Medical professionals agree that a concussion is a type of mild brain injury. They can tell you that its cause is a traumatic blow to the head, possibly the result of a violent collision between a 240-pound running back and a 260-pound linebacker, a 98 mph fastball making solid contact with a batting helmet or […]

Blood Test for Concussions

Blood testing vials. Blood Brain Barrier Permeability Test article

“I have a blood test that can detect concussions.” Dr. Mike Alden • Cofounder • Atlas Concussion Testing • Summerville Dr. Alden’s mission is “to save as many brains as possible by changing the entire paradigm of concussion management, globally.” He can attain this goal, he said, because he can determine if a concussion has […]

Obstacles With Access to Care

Obstacles with access to care

Imagine being diagnosed with leukemia, and, in order to keep the disease in check, you need to undergo a certain treatment. The treatment, however, is expensive, so you go through your health insurance to pay for it. But your insurance company takes almost a month to authorize the payment. By that time, the leukemia had […]

Organ Donation: The Greatest Gift

Hands surrounding a heart. Organ Donation article image.

To say Sara Campbell was having a day from hell is a gross understatement. She and her husband, Matt, had spent the last eight hours driving from Summerville to his parents’ home in Washington D.C., to gather with his family upon his mother’s passing. “We’d been there less than two hours when my phone rang. […]

Bug Bites of Summer

A cartoon bug goes in for the bite

An array of flying and crawling creatures, some of them with the potential to cause serious harm to your health and well-being, are out there waiting to sample a taste of Lowcountry residents. However, if you take the proper precautions, you can avoid the uncomfortable results of allowing yourself to become part of a meal […]

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