How to Make a Medicine

A dcotor in a research lab

In a drug’s journey from ideation to pharmacy shelves, there’s a mind-boggling amount of logistics behind the scenes. Trials alone can take up to six years. Along the way, developers, government agencies and universities need reliable data from controlled studies of real people. In order to make that happen, they look to contract research organizations […]

Charleston County Medical Society’s History

The Charleston County Medical Society logo

Many residents of Charleston County might be surprised to learn that services and sources of information now thought of as everyday conveniences were originally created by an organization of Lowcountry doctors – the Charleston County Medical Society. Since its founding in 1951, the Charleston County Medical Society has played a key role in the history, […]

Primary Care Explained

Illustration - a doctor cares for a family

Primary care is generally considered the basic level of health care that a person should receive – a day-to-day medical sounding board that can be relied on to treat a broad spectrum of everyday aches and pains and diagnose your sore throats and flus. But primary care physicians can do much more than just patch […]

Telemedicine Changes Health Care

TELEMEDICINE. A Doctor's arm comes out of a laptop.

If you’ve never heard of Hugo Gernsback, don’t feel alone. Unless you’re a huge science fiction fan, you’re likely not familiar with the Hugo Awards – the “Pulitzer Prize” for sci-fi writers – named in honor of this radio and publishing pioneer. But if you’ve ever had the opportunity to take advantage of doctor-to-patient telemedicine, […]

Lifestyle Medicine Treats the Whole

Photo of a happy family. Lifestyle medicine treats the whole.

Let’s face it – life is hard. It’s a never-ending cycle of working, taking care of family and trying to make our communities a better place. But what about taking care of ourselves? People often overlook the basics and wind up battling illness and disease that could have been avoided. Once considered alternative, lifestyle medicine […]

When to See the Doctor

When should I see a doctor?

Health care discussions can be hard to swallow nowadays – health care decisions perhaps even more so. While many Americans find themselves between a hospital and a hard place, weighing the risks of not seeking care after an injury, even those who feel they can freely call their doctor might wonder: Is this worth it? […]

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