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Exercise: Does Sex Count? Does Sex Count As An Exercise Workout?

“Stamina. Strength. Control,” you repeat to yourself. Sweat pours down your face; lungs and muscles burn. Your thighs quake. You ask why you’re subjecting yourself to such torture. As total collapse seems imminent, the whistle blows. It’s finally over. You wonder if you’re going to be able to walk after this. Your dumbbells hit the … Read more

Back to School Without A Home

Where do South Carolina’s approximately 12,000 school-age children live if their parents cannot afford rising monthly rental costs or home mortgages? The answer is: wherever they can. This often includes old RVs, cars, motels, campgrounds, trailer parks, state parks, public spaces, abandoned or substandard buildings or shared space with friends or other families. The stereotypical … Read more

When COVID-19 Refuses to Leave

As if catching and enduring COVID-19 wasn’t challenging enough, the Centers for Disease Control has discovered that this unpleasant invader is more than happy to take up much longer residence than was originally recognized. The Household Pulse Survey, done by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, described long COVID as including symptoms that last … Read more

The Power of Active Listening

It may sound like a simple thing, but it’s hard to underestimate the significance of listening and its impact on those we interact with on a daily basis in professional and social situations with co-workers, clients, family or friends. Active listening is a vital communication skill that involves being engaged and present in a conversation … Read more