Volunteering for Clinical Studies

Doctor holding Please Volunteer sign

“Clinical studies evaluate the safety and effectiveness of investigational treatments, devices and vaccines to help prevent and treat diseases,” explained Kasie Ingram, the marketing and recruiting coordinator for Coastal Carolina Research Center, a locally-owned medical research facility in North Charleston. “Before a drug is placed on the market, it first has to go through a … Read more

Heimlich Maneuver

graphic of person using heimlich maneuver

What is choking? Choking is when food or another foreign object becomes stuck in the airway. Choking prevents oxygen from getting to the lungs and the brain. Signs of someone choking: A person is not coughing. A person is unable to speak or breathe. A person is signaling for help, typically by holding their hands … Read more

Stretching Beyond the Imagination

Graphic - Man sitting on lounge chair

Took a walk around my neighborhood the other day, the sun just starting to massage my shoulders with its warmth, dispelling the morning chill. What a treat to be able to wave at a neighbor mowing his lawn and stop to exchange pleasantries with the woman who painted her front door chartreuse. It was a … Read more

Medication for COVID Studies Underway

Graphic - COVID Studies

Researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina and South Carolinians are stepping up in the fight against COVID-19. In September, the hospital launched clinical trials to investigate the success of repurposing three common drugs to fight the virus. Within months, MUSC had 759 participants, which made it the second highest recruiting site in the … Read more

Treatments for COVID

COVID-19 photo for "War against COVID " article. Photo by Fusion Medical Animation on Unsplash.

While the rush for safe and effective vaccines to fend off COVID-19 and its variants often seems to capture our attention with front page news, another group of medical scientists continue to work tirelessly on more effective treatments both for the vaccinated and unvaccinated who still fall prey to this virus. The debate about how … Read more

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