
Palmetto Primary Care, Charleston, SC

Palmetto Primary Care is your partner in your healthcare

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Only one thing is important to your family doctor at Palmetto Primary Care: you and your family. That’s why this practice is designed specifically to meet your family’s every health need.
Photos of Palmetto Primary Care, doctors in front of one of their locations, and a Palmetto Primary Care sign
“In a nutshell, we’re a full-service health care provider where the quality and services are controlled by the doctors,” said Anthony Church, director of practice management and market development for Palmetto Primary Care.

By that he means that Palmetto Primary Care is your partner, not just in keeping well but in treating acute illnesses such as the flu and managing complicated diseases such as diabetes. They are justifiably proud of their Diagnostic Center, where a variety of services such as ultrasound and stress tests are performed. And because illness doesn’t always strike during regular business hours, Palmetto Primary Care offers an extended care facility that is open evenings and weekends.

Church added that Palmetto Primary Care’s electronic medical records system is fully implemented, which means that patients’ records are readily available to any physician in the practice. That means more efficient and better care for the more than 100,000 active patients served by Palmetto Primary Care’s 20 locations sprinkled over three counties: Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester.

“We’re everywhere,” Church said.

“All our doctors are recognized by NCQA (National Committee for Quality Assurance, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of health care) for outcomes of heart, stroke and diabetes patients,” Church said.

Palmetto Primary Care has offices in Charleston, Dorchester and Berkeley counties. Hours vary slightly by location, but offices generally are open until 5 p.m. The state-of-the-art Diagnostic Center is centrally located at Elms Center Road. The Urgent Care Center is also at the Elms Center Road location and is open until 10 p.m. daily. For additional information, visit www.PalmettoPrimaryCare.com.

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