While the rush for safe and effective vaccines to fend off COVID-19 and its variants often seems to capture our attention with front page news, another group of medical scientists continue to work tirelessly on more effective treatments both for the vaccinated and unvaccinated who still fall prey to this virus.
The debate about how best to treat this insidious disease is drenched in controversy, name calling and cynicism. There are those in the medical field on both sides of the issue. Is a more holistic approach with repurposed, safe, cheap drugs and natural supplements best, or should we look to the laboratory for new treatment products and protocols, especially for severely affected patients? These questions cannot be answered by a simple chart. Instead, the following table is merely a review of some of the most orthodox COVID treatments currently available in the United States.
SOURCE LIST: Convalescent Plasma: nih.gov, covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov • Corticosteroids: cochrane.org, theconversation.com
Hydroxychloroquine: drugs.com • Ivermectin: American Journal of Therapeutics, June 2021 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, thepharmaletter.com,
The Journal of Antibiotics, February 2017 nature.com • Monoclonal Antibodies: fda.gov, covid19.ncdhhs.gov
Remdesivir: webmd.com, drugs.com, fda.gov, science.org
By Janet E. Perrigo