Fighting the Stigma of Postpartum Depression

Young mother with postpartum depression

Five years ago, Mount Pleasant mom Elaine DeaKyne went to her obstetrician’s office. She’d given birth to her first daughter two months prior, and DeaKyne wondered if she might have postpartum depression. The nurse asked her a series of questions about how she was doing as a new mom, including “Do you think you would […]

Chronic Stress and it’s Effects on the Body

Chronic Stress Effects the Body. Image: A woman shows signs of stress due to demands on her time.

Have you ever noticed the almost perverse pleasure we adults take in either bemoaning or bragging about our hectic work schedules and lifestyles? Psychologists suggest that our deliberate “hyper-busyness” may be a way to say to the world, “See me: I am productive and useful. Therefore, I have value and I matter.” Today’s excessive work […]

Making Sense of Behavioral and Developmental Disorders

A psychiatrist observing a patient

Behavioral and developmental disorders have become more common in recent years. While the jury is still out on whether those numbers can be attributed to better diagnoses or a toxic environment – or perhaps a combination of both – understanding these disorders is the first step toward helping those affected by them to live as […]

Senior Dating/Senior Sex

Smiling Senior Couple - Love & (Gasp!) Sex Later in Life article

Most young people sigh sentimentally when they see an elderly couple walking hand-in-hand. Just don’t ask them to envision anything more overt between people old enough to be their parents or grandparents. But the truth is, love, romance and even sex can (and should be) still very much a part of later life. There is […]

A Dog’s Purpose

A therapy dog in a hospital with a young patient

They Make Life Better for the Humans They Serve Some dogs undergo extensive training so they will be able to complete tasks that people can’t handle themselves, while others help out simply by being dogs. There obviously is a distinct difference between service dogs and therapy dogs, but the end result is generally the same: […]

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