Dealing with Kidney Stones

a close up photo of a kidney stone.

There’s a big difference in geography. We have the highest incidence of kidney stones than anywhere else in the country,” said Dr. Marshall Scott Wingo of Lowcountry Urology Clinics. “We don’t know why, but it probably has to do with it being hotter and more humid here and people are more likely to be dehydrated. […]

Causes, Prevention, and Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

a woman with a UTI

According to Dr. Aaron Parry of Women’s Health Partners, approximately 80 percent to 90 percent of urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused by the bacteria E. coli and the rest by other bacteria. The majority of urinary tract infections result from an ascending infection from the urethral opening into the bladder. Women are at a […]

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