Featured Oncologists

Charleston Oncology
West Ashley, Downtown, Mt. Pleasant, North Charleston, Walterboro, Summerville
Learn About The Practice
(843) 577-6957 (West Ashley | Downtown | Mt.Pleasant)
(843) 572-9211 (North Charleston | Walterboro)
(843) 376-1778 (Summerville)

Coastal Cancer Center
Learn About The Practice
Medical Oncology & Hematology
(843) 692-5000 (Myrtle Beach Center)
(843) 234-1660 (Conway Center)
(843) 756-0932 (Loris Center)
(843) 357-7357 (Myrtle Beach Center)
Radiation Oncology
(843) 449-9415 (Myrtle Beach Center)
(843) 234-5507 (Conway Center)
What are oncologists?
Oncologists treat, work to prevent, and diagnose cancer. Teams of medical professionals such as surgical oncologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists, radiologists, and organ-specific oncologists meet to come up with the best plan to treat an individual patient based on their physical, emotional, and social needs. Prevention has been successful in reducing the rates of cancer. Excessive tobacco and alcohol use have been proven to cause cancer. People should also use sunscreen to prevent skin cancer.
Symptoms and Treatments of Cancer?
Symptoms vary among the types of cancer, but bleeding, lumps, vomiting, persistent headaches, extreme weight loss, and unexplained pain are some of the most common. Cancer treatments include chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery to remove a mass or tumor. Bone marrow transplants can treat blood cancers and immunotherapy can be used for skin cancer. Hormonal therapy can treat breast cancer. Treatments vary depending on the individual based on factors such as age, physical condition, type of cancer, emotional stability, and social conditions.
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Charleston, SC Oncologists
Charleston Oncology
2085 Henry Tecklenburg Dr, Flr 2
Charleston, SC 29414
(843) 577-6957
125 Doughty St, Ste 500
Charleston, SC 29403
(843) 577-6957
3510 Hwy 17 N, Ste 300,
Mout Pleasant, SC 29466
(843) 577-6957
2910 Tricom St
North Charleston, SC 29406
(843) 572-9211
300 Callen Blvd, Ste 110
Summerville, SC 29486
(843) 376-1778
MUSC Hollings Cancer Center
86 Jonathan Lucas St
Charleston, SC 29425
(843) 792-9300
Roper St. Francis Healthcare – Oncology
Roper St. Francis Cancer Center
2085 Henry Tecklenburg Dr.
Charleston, SC 29414
(843) 402-2273