If you are signed up for the Cooper Bridge Run, consider these tips from Benita Shaw. The race is right around the corner and it is time to prepare.
- The true beginner should consider walk/running.
- If you haven’t trained well by March, consider just having fun and not worrying about a time.
- Corrals go off every two to three minutes, which has made the race much safer. Make sure you keep your own space.
- Eat clean for the month before the race. You don’t want to put on weight before the race.
- Start hydrating weeks before the race – no beer, wine or soft drinks. A little salt retains hydration.
- Water is available at every mile. If one of the stops is too crowded, just get water at the next stop.
- Eat bland the morning of the race.
- Practice what you will eat weeks before the race by signing up for a 5k to mimic what you will do in the Cooper River Bridge Run on race day.
- It helps to eat something the morning of the race because of blood sugar. A half a bagel is recommended.
- Lay out clothing and pin your number to your shirt the night before.
- Layer so that you can get rid of one layer by race time. Old clothing that you can throw away is best.
- There is a whole team of people that clean up the start area after the race begins. Wearing a trash bag that you can throw away at the start is popular.
- It is usually cool in the early morning and warms up at race time.
- Move around and jog in place to stay warm before the race.
- Stay loose so that muscles don’t get cold and tighten.
- You need to be early for the race.
- Buses start at 5 a.m.
- A quarter of a mile jog to warm up is perfect. Jogging from where the buses dropped you off or from where you parked is a good idea.
- Stretching is recommended, more after the race than before.
- If you get new shoes, make sure they are not too tight. You don’t want to get blisters.
- Put Vaseline on your feet before you pull on your socks.
- Tie shoelaces in a double knot. The race is very crowded, and you don’t want to fall.