What Everyone Needs to Know About Strokes

A man with a headache for the article What everyone needs to know about strokes.

Nobody likes to think about having a potentially life-threatening medical event like a stroke, but being able to identify the symptoms of a stroke and react accordingly could be the difference between life and death and certainly can make a difference in a person’s quality of life afterward. A stroke is a medical emergency defined […]

Heart Health: Start Now, Not Later

Heart Health. Start Now. Not Later As we learned in school, an object at rest tends to stay at rest. We can fight back against the two-headed monster of heart failure and obesity with a simple 1-2-3 plan for a healthy heart: Know your blood pressure. Your heart’s an amazing muscle, but it can only […]

Surviving Allergy Season

A young boy sneezes. Its allergy season again.

It’s that time again. Warmer weather, longer days and blossoming flowers abound, bringing people out from their winter hibernation and into the glory days of spring and summer. Unfortunately, it also brings some unwelcomed problems for many people – allergies. It’s estimated that more than 50 million people in the United States alone suffer from […]

What to Know About Allergies

A family with allergies.

Whether we’re talking pet dander, dust or dairy products, allergens are everywhere. For those who struggle with allergies on a regular basis, it can be a daunting experience. Fortunately, there are a number of things to know about allergy relief, and educating yourself for your own sake or your child’s is more important than ever. […]

The Many Facets of Food Allergies

No, you are not imagining a rise in peanut allergies since you were a child. Eight foods comprise 90 percent of food allergies, “The most common being milk, wheat, egg, soy, peanut and tree nut, and fish and shellfish,” said Dr. Meredith Moore, a physician with Charleston Allergy and Asthma. “Peanuts constitute 30 percent,” she […]

Carolina Foot Specialists: By the Foot

For many Lowcountry athletes, the Cooper River Bridge Run is the highlight of the year. But for some, walking or running the bridge can be a pain in the … foot. There’s no reason foot pain should get in their way, according to Dr. Andrew Saffer and Dr. Adam Brown of Carolina Foot Specialists. They … Read more

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