‘Cycle Sync’ And Feel Better

Graphic of a circle with numbers and a clipboard

Many internet trends are quite fleeting, even for their strongest supporters, but one trend that helps women align lifestyle choices with the various phases of their menstrual cycle could be a keeper. Nicknamed “cycle syncing,” the technique helps people make choices about everything from workout types to food choices to balancing the body’s hormones and … Read more

TikTok Wellness Trends

Photo of a woman who is scraping her tongue

If you’ve spent a significant amount of time on TikTok and you are a reader of publications such as HealthLinks, it’s likely that you’ve come face-to-screen with the online health and wellness community. Self-proclaimed experts on the app show viewers the way to do everything from washing fresh produce – and showing us there might … Read more

The Only Good Mosquito is A Dead One

Logo for Mosquito Squad

Many people just consider mosquitoes to be a nuisance, but the 61 different species that exist in the Palmetto State are under the watchful eyes of the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local mosquito control companies that help protect families and businesses from … Read more

Concierge Medicine Brings A New Model of Care to a Very Old Career

Photo of two hands touching

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the number of jobs for physicians and surgeons will increase between now and 2031, which is a slower than average rate. The Association of American Medical Colleges states on its website: “As our population grows and ages, the demand for physicians continues to grow faster than the … Read more

Which Hot Drink Is Our Favorite?

Photo of a cup of coffee

There’s evidence that for more than 5,000 years, people have been testing, changing and developing all kinds of mixtures and flavors of tea, coffee, apple cider and hot cocoa. Our ancestors drank them for the same reasons we do: They’re healthy, they taste good and they engender that warm, cozy feeling. Which one is our … Read more

Yoga for Tight Hips

Hips don’t lie, according to the title song by Columbian singer songwriter Shakira. Though the hips in Shakira’s song are sending messages about physical attraction, hips today aren’t lying about pain linked to tight muscles, limited flexibility and even stress or trauma. For each person, for each discomfort, there are exercises, therapies and technologies to … Read more

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