Trauma Spills from One Generation to Another

Graphic of the word trauma

It is often said that history repeats itself. This can be seen in how certain events seem to play out over and over throughout time. The rise and fall of civilizations. The creation of new technology and innovations. The causes of conflicts. The repetition can go deeper, though, down to a personal level. People who … Read more

Cultivating Resilience

Photo of a plant in concrete

Why is it that some people regain their footing easily when encountering one of life’s inevitable stumbling blocks, while others struggle when facing a challenging experience? Although there are many factors that play a role in successfully navigating through adversity, a key trait is resilience. According to the American Psychological Association, resilience involves having mental, … Read more

Beyond The Winter Blues

Once the ornaments are boxed up and the holiday tablecloths are put away, there might be a feeling of relief that the chaos of November and December are behind us – even a chance to look forward to spring just around the corner. For some people, however, the winter months, coupled with feelings of sadness … Read more

Dogs Sniff Stress: Is it Time to Adopt a Four-legged Therapist?

A cute dog sitting on its owner's lap. Can dogs sniff stress?

The next time your dog is busy sniffing you, it may not be just about food. Perhaps your pet is measuring your anxiety levels and offering itself as comfort. As author Dean Koontz once suggested, “Petting, scratching and cuddling a dog could be as soothing to the mind and heart as deep meditation and almost … Read more

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