Power Up With A Nap

Graphic of a person with their head down at a desk with a power cord plugged in

We’ve all experienced it. That early afternoon, post-lunch lull that can mean the difference between tremendous productivity and exasperating sleepiness. For some, the fix is simple: a power nap. A nap is considered any act of sleeping for a short period of time. A power nap is limited to under 30 minutes, according to Jessica … Read more

Travel and The Brain

Graphic of traveling

Whether they are enjoying a relaxing cruise, a trip to an exotic country or a simple journey through the woods to Grandma’s house, most travelers readily agree that escaping daily routines and surroundings, even for a short time, improves their mental health. What may be less obvious is that new scenery and new activities also … Read more

Procrastination Is Not Laziness

“Procrastination is like a credit card: It’s a lot of fun until you get the bill,” English actor Christopher Parker once said. Most procrastinators, and the family and friends who surround them, would probably agree. Deep down, people know that postponing work is a bad plan and often hazardous to good results; yet they do … Read more

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